Please consider taking the following online bicycle safety survey from a doctoral student at SUNY Downstate School of Public Health in Brooklyn, New York. Your answers will be confidential:
Dear Fellow Bicycle Riders,
IF YOU ARE 18 OR OLDER, please take part in an anonymous survey for a research study about bicycling practices and bicycling accidents. The survey will take only about 15-20 minutes to fill out.
IT DOES NOT MATTER WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE HAD AN ACCIDENT RIDING YOUR BICYCLE. Your answers will help researchers find out how to make bicycling safer.
YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR YOUR NAME. No one will find out how you answered the questions.
TO GO TO THE SURVEY, please use this link:
THANK YOU! If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. (I won’t ask you to tell me your name. )
Mark W. Hoglund
Doctoral Student
School of Public Health
SUNY Downstate Medical Center
450 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11203