If you’re interested in lending a hand for the cycling community, we need volunteers for a couple of events next week.
Helpers are needed for the Timpanogos Gran Fondo on June 29th, and we’re looking for some additional volunteers to help out at aid stations and along the course on race-day. If you’re interested, the organizers are happy to give all the volunteers one of their race shirts, a guaranteed spot in next year’s race, and a $10 discount for next year’s event. We know it’s last minute, but please sign up by this weekend and let them know that you’re with the BikeProvo.org when you sign up (it will appear as an option).
Bike Rodeo volunteers are needed throughout the summer to help guide obstacle courses, fix flat tires, etc. At the moment, volunteers are needed for the evenings of June 26th and June 27th. Email bikeprovo (at) gmail (dot) com to volunteer and get more info.
Thanks for your willingness to help our city become more bike friendly!