Action Alerts

Bike Utah Alert: Sen. Hatch Attacks Bike Funding & Local Control

The following action alert comes from Phil Sarnoff, Bike Utah Executive Director. The League of American cyclists sent out a similar alert earlier today. If you are concerned about this threat to local control and loss of funding for bicycle infrastructure, please TAKE ACTION TODAY OR TOMORROW MORNING by calling Senator Hatch and leaving a message with your thoughts (202-224-5251)..

I know it can be scary to call (I usually take a deep breath and pace around a bit before hand…) but a personal phone call is the best way to reach our elected officials and create change. If you just can’t bring yourself to make the call (it’s okay, friend, I’ve been there too…), then please use this easy form to send an email.

Our quick response to national issues such as this has a direct impact on what we are able to accomplish for Provo.

Subject: Action Needed: Sen. Hatch Attacks Bike Funding & Local Control

Hello Members and Friends,

We need your action TODAY.

According to Capitol Hill news source Politico, in a Finance Committee hearing on the next transportation bill just yesterday, Senator Hatch “lamented that, over the years, the Highway Trust Fund has been used to pay for an increasing array of transportation choices beyond highways, including such things as bike paths.”

In his written statement, Sen. Hatch went even further to sarcastically refer to bike paths as “so-called ‘enhancements.'” His remarks aren’t just idle talk as California Senator Barbara Boxer responded with “Considering what Senator Hatch said – there are some things we think we can move away, and we came up with some good funds to do some interesting things.”

It is expected that this bill will come out on May 8th. With some a high level of certainty, Sen. Hatch has a desire to do away with the Transportation Alternatives Program, which funds many bicycle and pedestrian projects in Utah.

We don’t believe Senator Hatch is reflecting the needs and desires of Utah communities in seeking to do away with the flexibility that allows our communities to fund bicycling and walking projects as we see fit.

Let’s not let Senator Hatch destroy the programs that helped Utah communities become more bike-friendly.

Take action today: Tell Senator Hatch you disagree with his position on transportation alternatives and you believe state and local agencies should have the freedom to make transportation investments where they see fit.

Call Senator Hatch’s Office tonight or early tomorrow: 202-224-5251 If you are unable to get through then please leave a message.

Thank you for your support in this effort.
Phil Sarnoff
Executive Director

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