#bikewalkprovostories Robert and Le Ann Grace One sultry evening over a year ago (pre-Covid) I was sauntering east on Center Street, having just crossed 100 E at the crosswalk, when I was slowly and respectfully passed from behind by a couple on eBikes.  It was a busy evening, people were out enjoying the many restaurants and entertainment venues of downtown Provo.  Then someone said something to the eBike riders and they both stopped suddenly in front of me looking a bit perplexed, so I naturally suspected this was about riding on the sidewalk and I asked the couple about what had been said.  They told me they had been riding these sidewalks for years without a problem; in their defense I asserted back, “Well, where do they expect you to ride, on that dangerously crowded street (pointing to westbound Center jammed with cars)? A few days ago I interviewed Robert and Le Ann Grace, after seeing their parked eBikes in front of a downtown cafe.  Robert was once a competitive mountain biker until he was severely injured in 1993 during a race, and I learned that Le Ann has also ridden bikes most of her life and had served in the Armed Forces during Desert Storm.  They both made a commitment to begin using eBikes exclusively three years ago, an environmental and financial decision they have been pleased with ever since.  “I like the fresh air, nature, and being in the open,†says Le Ann.  “It’s majestic, the peace and tranquillity, therapeutic,†adds Robert.  Having ridden two troublesome eBikes previously they sought the advice of JigaWatt in Provo to decide how best to upgrade their biking experience.  Today, Robert sports an EcoMotion Fat Tire (30-35mph) that he tells me already has around 2,000 miles on it and Le Ann loves her Magnum, of which, like Robert, she rides to work as well as for taking care of errands and visiting friends. (Story continued in comments…)