SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 2022 10am-11am Love (Y)our Public Streets Service Project What: Service project When: Saturday, January 8th, 10am Where: Meet at the NE corner of State Street and Cougar Boulevard in Provo. Trash bags and non-latex gloves provided. Start 2022 off with service and gratitude for an emerging transit/active transportation network in Provo by participating in our 2nd annual Love (Y)our Public Streets event! The detritus of 2021 litters the landscaped medians along the Cougar Boulevard protected bike lanes, along the downtown University Avenue UVX line, and along the downtown Center Street sidewalks. We will gather in the southeast corner of State and Cougar (the northeast corner of Utah Valley Hospital) and proceed to pick up the trash that has accumulated along these three transportation corridors. Please come on foot, bike, or scooter. BikeWalk Provo will provide trash bags and non-latex gloves.