Provo Bike Committee

Phil Sarnoff’s Presentation on Provo’s Path to a Gold Level Bicycle Friendly Community

Phil Sarnoff, executive director of Bike Utah, came to our June 2019 meeting to present on steps Provo can take to help reach gold-level status as a Bicycle Friendly Community. Be sure to take a few minutes to check out the presentation here. You can also view the livestreamed video of the meeting below:

A few highlights include:

  • Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure: We need to continue efforts to provide a robust, connected network that allows all users (ages 8 to 88) to move comfortably around the city by bicycle.
  • Data: Bicycle counters can help decision-makers become more aware of the bicycle usage streets are experiencing to justify the money spent on facilities.
  • Strava: If you don’t use Strava yet to track your bike trips, we recommend starting now! Cities have access to the data to help them see where people are riding to further encourage funding active transportation.
  • Safe Routes to School: Help schools become aware of the Safe Routes Utah grant (deadline coming up to apply by July 19) and of bike safety education opportunities.

Be sure to come to or tune in for our July meeting, which will be on July 11th at 5 pm at Community Development.

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