Local Biking EventsProvo Bike CommitteeUncategorized

Rain, Bikebecue, and an awesome event.

(Suzanne beating the rain in style.)

If a picture is worth a thousand words then this post is worth 13,500 words. As all of you know yesterday was the first annual Bikebecue. Despite the weather this event was a lot of fun and had a great turn out. The weather toyed with our emotions all day and, ended up giving us a dry window to start and end the ride with. We were really concerned that not many riders were going to show up because of said weather. Gladly we were proven wrong as many of our fellow Provo riders showed up to support the event and eat some BBQ.

The ride started at Rowley Press.

(Getting ready to ride.)

We then we took 5th North all the way to the park.

(Bike? Check. Root Beer? Check. Two cargo trailers full of food and BBQ? Check.)

Once we got to the park the “bring your own meal” turned into a potluck with everyone sharing all their food and drinks.

(Table full of food and freinds.)

Rowley Press provided a grill, Polish Dogs, and all the wonderful stuff to top them with.

(Todd manning the Barbecue.)

The Bike Committee was supposed to do tune-ups and bike smoothies but, due to weather, that got put on hold. Instead they brought a 12 pack of Henry Weinhard’s. While it is no Virgils root beer it was very popular and gone in a flash.

(Nothing like root beer out of the bottle.)

They also brought the famous bike cookies. The cookies were gone so fast I did no even get a picture of them. So, here is the empty box. If you want to see how awesome they are and, how incredible they taste, make sure to be at the Bike in Movie.

(Empty box full stomachs.)

With the potluck in full swing Jacob and Becca pulled out their own grill and proceeded to grill up delicious ribs with BBQ sauce and everything. This was by far the best food surprise of the night. Thanks again guys.

(Jacob grillin' it up like a boss.)

Once the evening got going it went something like this; food, drinks, bikes, and good friends (both old and new).

(Ashley and Tod chumin it up.)
(Happy, Content, Inquisitive?)

To top off all the festivities it was Andrews B-day. I did not get a lot of info on the B-day like age or what else he was going to do. I do know however that Andrew is an awesome guy and we were all really stoked to sing him Happy Birthday.

(Happy birthday Andrew!)

All and all this event was a huge success. We had about 30 riders. The bicycles and riders came from all over Provo to show their support rain or shine. I am sure that even more would have been there if we would have had some sunshine. If you are one of those riders make sure to come out to the Bike in Movie. Again a big thanks to Rowley Press and the Bike Committee for getting this event together and, an even bigger thanks to all the cyclists that made it possible.

(A good looking group if I have ever seen one.)

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  1. This looks awesome! I’m sad I missed it – hopefully next time I’ll be brave enough to face night / rain riding!

  2. Jamie, we just need to get you a spotlight and a gang of ninjas. Then your safety at night will be assured.

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