Provo Ride Report

Ride Report – Share Your Cycling Experiences

If you haven’t noticed we here at BikeProvo we really love two things: riding bikes, and riding bikes in Provo. Often we get to report on events going on here in the valley as well as share our insights into bicycling in general. Basically, you all get to hear a lot from us and we don’t get to hear that much from you or your bike riding here in Provo. In an attempt to remedy that we are introducing the Monday Ride Report. The idea is a few of us will report on some aspect of our rides, commutes, or bicycle adventures and then open the floor to all of you (in the comments section) to share your experiences on the road or trail. You can write about a funny experience, or how you discovered a new road, or about how sometimes drivers really just do not pay attention. Anything ride-related. If these guidelines are not helpful with what to write make a comment so we can help you get your experience out there. Jamie and I will go first to get things rolling.


I have had 4 standout rides this week. With the weather being generally awesome I hope I can say this every week. The ride I am going to choose is the ride I had with my good friend Leland. Me and Leland met up this week to work on a poster for the Provelo event that is coming up. I am helpless with design and knew Leland would have the goods. We sat around and did some planning for a little while and then saddled up. We went over to the city building to talk with Parks and Rec about potential parks for the event. From there we headed out to check out some of the parks we had to choose from. As we got rolling we decided to take some of the roads in Provo that need the most work. We road both Freedom Blvd. and 500 west on our park search. The ride in general was great we got to talk about bicycles and life as well as our favorite sodas (I believe the consensus was Virgils Root Beer). The ride ended with root beer (regrettably not Virgils) and Slab Pizza as well as meeting Lelands secret weapon, Davis, the design wizard who did the layout on the Provelo poster. This ride had most of what I love about cycling: friends, a bit of distance, thinking on change, working for change, good beverages and food, and meeting new and awesome people. Thank you Leland, Davis, Provo, and my steed for the great ride.

(The spoils of riding.)


A few days ago I got back into town from a week-long trip to the suburbs of Los Angeles. I’m glad to be back to my Townie our bike-loving city. One thing that stood out to me while I was away was that Provo really has so much potential to be one of the best places in the U. S for bicyclists. Unlike so many cities, we’re relatively flat and we’re the perfect size – big enough to develop a strong bike culture but small enough that we still have the opportunity to adjust our infrastructure to the needs of cyclists.

This weekened my husband and I jumped on our bikes for a ride from our downtown home to the BYU creamery. We took the side streets because the major road (900 E) is still pretty scary for cyclists. The weather was completely perfect for cycling and we had quite a bit of fun on the traffic-free roads until…mini-bike disaster! Dun, dun, dun!

Townie Down!

Well, actually a screw just came loose and my brakes are now rubbing against my tire. I guess this is the cyclist’s equivalent to driving with the parking brake on. What should have been an easy repair wasn’t quite so quick with the Townie, so I’ve been out of commission for a couple days. But, I’m looking forward to getting back on the saddle for more happy valley bike adventures next week.


Come on, you know you’ve had some sort of biking experience this week. Go somewhere fun? Find a new path? Get into some trouble on the road? Run over a squirl? No matter how big or small, we want to hear about your cycling week. Help make this feature successful by writing a comment!

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  1. This past week was a bit unusual in that I actually took the opportunity to go for a ride, just to ride. I ride for transportation mostly, so getting out just to ride is not a normal thing. I went for a nice morning spin up the Provo River Parkway trail from my home in Orem to just past Nunn’s Park. I was feeling good the whole ride, which actually surprised me a bit. I would have continued on to my goal of Vivian, but the wind was howling, it was my day off, an not being in the mood to fight with anything, I decided to turn for home a bit short. I loved the light through the trees. I seem to notice that more than anything else these days. I love the play of sun and shadow in the leaves and on the ground. In the morning and evening, it is enchanting. That was what I experienced on this ride. I’ll be going again.

  2. My most memorable ride from this week was actually my ride to work last Monday morning. Like most mornings I took a rout along the Provo River Trail down University and made a left at 800s. It was a particularly clear morning and as I was riding down University I was treated to a spectacular view of MT. Timp. with what’s left of it’s snow cap glistening in the morning sunlight. I had experienced a rather stressful weekend due to some unexpected news about my sister’s health, and being greeted with that amazing view first thing Monday morning helped put me in the right mindset to face my week. One of the reasons I love cycling so much is that on every single ride I can remember (yes, even my daily rides to work) , I have had some sort of experience, small though it may be, that has invigorated my body, mind, or soul. The world really is at its best from the seat of a bicycle.

  3. Ooh ooh I have so many good ones! The one that left the biggest impression this week was with my daughter (well really all my rides are with my daughter). We were both decked out in our summer best ie. summer skirts, riding our summer cruiser. The weather was beautiful 75 with big fluffy white clouds. We were waiting at a red light and an older gentlemen in a silver mercedes wagon stopped next to us. His window was rolled down and he was enjoying the awesome weather. He saw us and leaned out his window and with the biggest grin said, ” Ain’t that the darned cutest thing I ever saw!” It was so nice to have someone exctied to see us riding our bike. I had the best week after that. I love riding my bike!

  4. So, I’m kind of cheating by posting here because I don’t live in Provo right now. But I spent the past 2 years biking there, and I promise I will be back next year. I’m currently biking in the great rainy city of Portland Oregon, a veritable paradise for all that goes on 2 wheels. This week I had a great Saturday ride with my girlfriend Sam. We were running a bit late and only had about an hour before Sam had to be at the theatre to stage manage a show, but we decided to sneak in a short ride to Mississippi Ave for some food and comic books. It was Sam’s first time riding to Mississippi Ave, and we took a route I’d never taken, and we were both thrilled to find it much closer than we had thought. No rain, brisk air and wonderful quirky shops were exactly what we needed. It’s amazing how much closer everything is when you’re on a bicycle.
    happy riding!

  5. Ok, so I don’t have much time, but here are my experiences in a handy list:

    1) Got asked to race by a Police Officer in a car. I accepted, but he backed down after he saw my calves. That was on the corner of Center & State.
    2) Had a water ballon thrown at me by some jealous person in a car. Once again, it was my calves that elicited a response. That was on the corner of Bulldog and State.
    3) The marvelous ride with Zac. See the post by Zac above for more details. It was great!

    That is all for now! Bike Bike Bike!

  6. My little bro was in town, so I got to show him how Saturdays on bikes in Provo is the best. First stop: the Provo Farmers Market, where we mingled with friends we ran into and bought some nasturtium plants to remedy the beetle bug problem of last year with our squash. Then we rode our bikes out to our group garden in west Provo, taking the Provo City Trail (through those treacherous tunnels under the freeway). The weather was perfect, the trees looked divine, and planting nasturtium and feeding a cow and some goats made the ideal Saturday. Riding a bike to these destinations makes you more of a part of the experience, as you feel the wind, see the flying cottonwood seeds, and smell all the smells. I love it.

  7. I was in a bit of a rush last Wed and seeing how windy it was, I almost decided not to ride to the office, but I was hankering for some fresh air so off I went. To my pleasant surprise, the strong winds were to my back, and my roughly 18 minute commute only took 14. I figured I’d pay the price on my way home, but again to my surprise the wind had changed directions and was at my stern again! It made for a rather fun and zippy transportation day, just when I needed it.

  8. I work at a residential treatment center near Provo canyon so I love my daily commute down university ave. I hop on to the PRT and spend the next half hour biking down the trail. The ride rocks my socks off until University Parkway. I know I could jump on to Canyon for an easier ride, but university ave is so fast! I wish someone would clean the bike lanes there! Really though the ride home is one of the best parts of my day!

  9. this summer I haven’t rode as much as I should due to some bike troubles. But just the other day with the help of a friend I got my bike all fixed up and ready to ride (thank you for your help!!). I decided to ride up south fork and take a hike up to cascade saddle. the ride up was as always amazing with so many wildflowers out in bloom it is a great treat to go and see them this time of year. Held a pretty good pace on my way up but my legs we so tired after hiking all day so it was a pleasure to have a nice decent in the cool evening air down south fork canyon after my long hike. However I got passed up by all the lycra warriors on my way home down provo canyon, looks like I need to train a bit more!

  10. This week I creaked and wobbled my way into work on our family’s “new” ’76 Peugeot UE18. Stoked. This will be my final bike project before moving from the land of my youth to the wonders of Madison, WI. While the creaks and bounces of the oblong wheels was fundamentally annoying, I was thereby encouraged to slow the h down and absorb. Timpanogos, Cascade, Squaw Peak, Mt. Nebo. These are all spectacles that I will no longer see every day. We truly live in such a beautiful place and, sadly, many of the beauties that surround us go to waste in the hustle and bustle of traveling to and fro in the confines of a personal automobile. I can’t imagine traveling any other way than by bike. Love it.

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